Sunday, February 6, 2011

The power of prayer and smart friends.....

I guess I have set up three or four other blogs in the wrong places or ways and then, with many others, lost the ability to figure out what I did wrong because of the weather interfering with internet access for several days. I am now up and running... well slow snail crawling actually... but will get the hang of this very soon. Please provide direction if it's obvious I am missing the train; I may just need a little nudge but feel free to shove if needed.
Regards, Lauren


  1. You got it, techno-girl! Go, Lauren!!

  2. I feel your pain! ;) I had quite a bit of the same trouble. Racquel was awesome to give me lots of pointers. This is all a great experience (learning wise) LOL! I am definitely learning a lot!!! Your blog looks great!
